Rutkowski Chiropractic Wellness & Laser Center
"Your Resource for Healthy Living"
Our Services
We offer several services that compliment chiropractic's care of the nervous system
and support the body's natural ability to organize, energize, and heal itself.
Chiropractic Care
We excel at several adjusting techniques including CBP, drop table, toggle, Impulse IQ computerized instrument, and pediatrics. We are adaptable and able to care for anyone in any condition.
Functional Orthotics
We laser scan the feet to assess the 3 arches of the foot to determine collapse and resulting compensation of full body posture. Orthotics are custom made to restore structure & function.
Low Level Laser Care
We are highly trained and use the most advanced low level lasers in the world.
Our technology combined with our expertise have made us the leaders of low level laser care in the region.
BrainTap Training
BrainTap is an effective tool to help people achieve balanced brainwave states that enhance the production of neurotransmitters needed for optimal function of body and mind.
Neuro-Health Testing
We utilize BrainSpan Neuro-Health Testing to measure valuable metrics that matter most for optimizing and protecting the health of your most important asset...
your brain!
Lifestyle Support
Our lifestyle support system focuses on optimizing the
5 Essentials of Health:
Eating Well, Moving Well, Thinking Well, Living Well, and Maintaining a Healthy Nervous System.